AMMO+ DAY 2 is April 25; don’t miss it. 

Welcome to a special day for all AMMO+ members and ammunition enthusiasts alike! April 25 marks the eagerly awaited AMMO+ Day 2, when we celebrate our valued community with an offer too good to miss. For one day only, we’re not just offering the standard member discount; we’re going beyond. Get ready to experience the exclusivity and savings of being part of our community. 

What is AMMO+ Day 2? 

AMMO+ Day 2 isn’t just any event; it’s a testament to our commitment to providing value to our members. On this day, every AMMO+ member enjoys an additional discount on select ammunition stacked on top of the already generous 8% membership discount. Scheduled for April 25, it’s a 24-hour opportunity to stock up on select ammo at prices that are hard to beat. Whether you’re a hunter, a competitive shooter, or someone who takes your training seriously, AMMO+ Day 2 is tailored for you. 

Exclusive Benefits for AMMO+ Members 

The spotlight of AMMO+ Day 2 shines on the additional savings available exclusively to our members. Imagine getting even more off a selection of ammunition, from hunting rounds to tactical cartridges. It’s not just about the savings; it’s about accessing the best quality ammo at prices that enhance your shooting experience without burdening your wallet. We’re committed to ensuring our members get the best deals, and AMMO+ Day 2 exemplifies this pledge.

How to Make the Most of AMMO+ Day 2 

To truly capitalize on AMMO+ Day 2, preparation is key. Start by reviewing your current ammo stock to identify what you need. Consider future events, competitions, or hunting seasons to plan your purchases. Remember, while the deals are incredible, they’re available for April 25 only. We are dropping select AMMO prices at 11:00 am EST. 

Why Join AMMO+? 

If you’re reading this and still need to become an AMMO+ member, you might wonder if membership suits you. Beyond the exclusive discounts on AMMO+ Day 2, our members enjoy year-round benefits, including savings on ammo, access to members-only events, and FREE shipping. It’s more than a membership; it’s joining a community of enthusiasts who share your passion for shooting and the outdoors.

April 25 will be here soon; be prepared. 

As AMMO+ Day 2 approaches, and the anticipation builds. This event is more than just any other day; it’s a celebration of our shooting community and the values we share. Mark your calendar for April 25, and look for an announcement a week before about the extra savings. Not a member yet? There’s still time to join so that you can take advantage of AMMO+ Day 2 and the many other benefits of being an AMMO+ member. Join AMMO+ NOW, and let’s make this AMMO+ Day 2 the best event ever! 

AMMO+ Membership – Ammo Discounts and Free Shipping – TargetSportsUSA  

Buy bulk ammo for sale with free shipping at Target Sports USA. Enjoy great deals on cheap ammunition including 22lR ammo, 9mm & 5.56mm ammo.

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