Our PRIME DAY 2022 exceeded all the expectations! So many new customers have joined this PRIME AMMO MEMBERSHIP this year, taking advantage of all the deals on September 19th. Thank you for your support and loyalty to existing and new Prime Members. Also, we thank our hardworking team for contributing to Target Sports USA’s biggest event of the year. Marko Samardzija, COO of Target Sports USA, said, “We are so grateful to be a part of such an exceptional community and looking forward to what the rest of the year shall bring.”

Now that Prime Day 2022 is over, we have decided to invite some of our Prime Members to celebrate at our PRIME DAY party. The Celebration is happening on October 22nd at our headquarters in Connecticut. This one-day event will welcome 200 + invited customers, industry partners, and employees. The most exciting part of this event is awarding the Ford F150 to one of our four finalists.

Target Sports USA event timeline:
At noon final four contestants arrive at Target Sports USA headquarters. Welcomed by the Target Sports USA team, we will kick off the event by providing a tour of our facility.
1 p.m. contestants will get a chance to meet our account representatives, industry partners, and employees.
2 p.m. We will head to Kinsman brewery, the official venue of the PRIME DAY CELEBRATION (invite-only event).
2 p.m. – 6:00 We will conduct various raffles while enjoying great food, music, and the opportunity to get to know our Prime Members.
5 p.m. Winner of the BRAND-NEW FORD F150 is announced during the Celebration, and at that time, we will hand over the keys to a brand new Ford F150 truck.

All invites have been mailed to randomly selected PRIME members, and we anticipate a big turnout. So another tremendous Target Sports USA PRIME DAY is behind us. It’s time to celebrate!

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