How Do You Choose the Right Handgun?

Are you looking for the best handgun for a beginner? Read here to find out how you can go about choosing the right handgun for you.

Firearm ownership is popular today, and more people are choosing to buy their first gun. 

The industry of guns and ammunition stores has a $20 billion market value today. Buying a gun requires an understanding of the law, the help of a quality firearm store, and most importantly, the right information about the type that you’d like to purchase. 

Handguns are favorites for many people because they’re powerful and easy to wield. We’ve got you covered when you’re searching for handgun options that you’ll appreciate.  

Read on for a guide on buying your best first handgun.

Consider Your Reasons for Buying a Gun

Nearly half of gun owners today list protection as their main reason for buying a gun. Firearm ownership isn’t just a constitutional right, it’s also a lifestyle, hobby, and recreational activity. 

If you’re trying to buy the best first handgun possible, start by understanding your reasons for buying one. A few common reasons that people purchase handguns include:

  • Home protection
  • Protection in your travels
  • Use as part of a security job or other role
  • A recreational activity to relieve stress and gain proficiency
  • Collecting them as part of a hobby

Think about what this purchase means to you, and consider this as you look into the different attributes of the firearm that help you accomplish these goals.  

Think About Your Experience Level

Know your experience level for any gun that you’re deciding to purchase. The best handgun for beginner owners may be different from the one that you buy when you’re experienced and seasoned. 

Respecting your current experience level will help you buy a gun that doesn’t have too much recoil, is easy to remove and replace the safety, and that you can easily hold and aim.  

Learn the Different Types of Handguns

So, what gun should I buy? Now that you’re starting down the right path, you should consider the different types of handguns available. 

Some of the most common types of handguns you can buy include:

  • Revolvers
  • Semi-automatic pistols
  • Single-shot pistols
  • Break-action handguns

In addition to these different kinds of handguns, make sure that you’re also examining specifications like the caliber, type of ammunition, and the types of cartridges. You should also consider whether you’re intended to wear the gun on your hip or concealed. 

Get to know the laws where you live to know what kinds of handguns you’re legally able to own. Consider the allowable firepower, action, magazine capacity, and other specifications.  

Exploring all of your handgun options will help you find a comfort zone and purchase the type that you’ll feel the most comfortable with.  

Try Some Options at the Range

You should make sure that you have a trial period for any firearm that you’re shopping around for. Visiting a quality firearm range will give you the chance to hit some targets, test your proficiency, and get some hands-on training with a specific handgun.  

Before buying a gun take some time out to shoot targets at the range. You’ll be able to test your comfort level with the firearm and figure out if you can see yourself owning and using it full-term. 

As you compile your list of possible firearms, read through the reviews and then put them to the test at a range near you. Many gun shops double as firearm ranges that will let you try out a weapon before making a purchase.  

Think of Your Price Range

When you’re a gun owner, you’re responsible for caring for your gun through thorough cleaning, buying new ammunition, and making modifications when necessary. Consider the types of guns that you’re shopping for and the long-term cost of ownership. 

With this in mind, think of the firearm price as an initial price tag, but prepare for the maintenance that comes with the territory. Make a shortlist of the different firearms that you’d like to buy and compare and contrast their prices. 

From here, you can shop for prices between a few different stores and see who offers the best deals. Consider whether you want to buy your gun brand new or second-hand, and ask if they can throw in some accessories to sweeten the deal. 

Know What Type of Ammunition to Purchase

Finally, it’s important that you get to know what kind of ammunition your handgun uses. Some examples of handgun ammo that you might purchase for a firearm include full metal jacket, wadcutter, hollow point, or round nose ammunition. Consider which ammo is optimal for the firearm and which brands are the best available. 

Choose a go-to brand for the range, home defense, competitive shooting, or any other scenario that suits your needs. You will also need to consider you have the storage capability for your new gun so that it is kept safe and secure.  

Explore the Best Gun Options

Owning a handgun can make you feel safer, and you will have the chance to improve your marksmanship one day at the range at a time. These words of advice will help you when you’re exploring gun options. Consider these guidelines as you shop for the best first handgun for your needs and experience level.

If you’re ready to shop around for the ideal handgun for your needs, we’re happy to help you out. 

Target Sports USA has a wide array of firearm products that you will appreciate. Browse our inventory when you’re shopping for handguns to see which options suit you. Send us an online message or give us a call at (860)426-9886.

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